Friday, April 18, 2014

The inner child is something that I think is still alive and not necessarily separate from yourself to be examined because, after all, you're still the person you were as a kid. I think emotions drive motivation and more basically, thoughts. It's hard to manage your emotions alone (without friends or people who know you) I think, but thinking is something that is cold and calculating. If you think without feeling you could become a heartless automaton and eventually go insane. For instance, like I was saying last night in response to David saying people who want to get rich are simply more honest.

If you were to say, well I enjoy going out to eat every night, and I enjoy gambling, (I only enjoy excess), so that's what I will work for, and I'll simply completely focus on getting rich and put everything else in my life on hold because when I am rich everything will be so good it won't matter how much of a self absorbed heartless person I was while making the money (or how old I am when I finally get rich). However you would probably quickly realize that you were miserable in the meantime. That's why its difficult to get rich, because everyone needs to enjoy things a little to stay sane and productive, but you don't have time to enjoy things when you are constantly working to get rich. Apparently doctors spend 10 minutes per patient to make a diagnosis. I know this because it was on the news today and my uncles girlfriend is a doctor and my uncle said that's what she does.

This is alarming to me for a couple of reasons.

One: Are doctors today so much better (more knowledgable with better insight and understanding) than doctors twenty or more years ago when you could actually have a relaxed conversation with a doctor?

Does it actually benefit anyone other than the insurance companies to have such short interactions with patients?

Obvious disadvantages:
Errors due to misdiagnoses
Errors because the patient can't express what is wrong with themselves in that amount of time
Errors because the doctor is so stressed and befuddled about the previous 6 patients in one hour that they can't focus on what the new patient is even saying, let alone concentrate enough to figure out what's the matter with them.

Does being highly educated mean that you are able to understand patients more quickly, or more thoroughly?

This may come back to what I was saying before: How can one think and act logically while feeling empathetically? Are the two related? I think they are in that if you trust your feelings and end up being correct about where they lead you you can also trust your logical mind and where that will lead you. But maybe not.

I'll put it this way: If you can't trust that you are meant to have the emotions you have, can you trust that your brain is telling you to eat when you are hungry, or sleep when you are tired? I have heard that mental disorders stem from dissociation. If you or something else doesn't allow yourself to live in the moment and feel happy or sad or angry, you're not going to be able to think logically or rationally about anything else either.

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